Wednesday, August 19, 2009


It’s a good question. It’s a frustrating question. It denotes purpose and requires thought. It makes one look at reason and motivation. It’s a dangerous question because it really causes you to look at the real underlining idea. It’s not like ‘what’ that drives to a method. A ‘what’ question is easy to answer. “What are you going to do today?” “What are you going to eat for dinner?” “What are you going to say?” ‘What’ questions are all about planning, but the ‘why’ questions are all about motives. “Why are you going to do that today?” “Why are you going to eat that?” “Why are you going to say that?” I believe Jesus was a ‘why’ question guy. He talked about love, and the state of the heart and religious systems always driving to the ‘why’. I’ll admit, when I look at my life I can’t give a good answer to the ‘why’s’ all the time. The ‘why’ question penetrates my very being. It requires a heart-check. “Why do I go to church?” “Why do I dress up?” “Why do I sing songs?” “Why do I like one thing and not another?” I don’t know if you have ever asked yourself this question, maybe in frustration at times or in doubt, but to find an answer to the ‘why’ really reveals the heart. I’ll be honest, I go to church sometimes because I’m expected to be there, and I have to pray for God to forgive me because my expectations should be about deepening my relationships with Him. I dress up again because I feel, again I feel, that some people wouldn’t like for me to show up in shorts, t-shirts and sandals – yet sandals or shorts, God knows the heart. I sing songs because that is what everyone else is doing. I stand and sing because that’s what I’m told to do. I like one style of music because it is my preference. None of these answers to the ‘why’ question though lead me to God nor do they show any sort of desire of intimacy with Him. Am I saying these things are wrong to do? No and yes. No because at some point in time I had to be made aware of how to worship God and how to come before Him. But yes when the heart isn’t about a relationship with God but something else. When the heart searching leads to crowd pleasing instead of God loving – then the ‘why’ is shown by the true motivation. So my question to you is this, “Why do you do what you do?” I challenge you to search your heart for the true reason. Is it about God or is it about something else? The ‘why’ is dangerous, but once you get to the truth understand this: The truth will set you free.

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